Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Framing and rough plumbing inspection passed - insulation Monday!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Floor protection...

For the insulation and sheetrocking which will hopefully begin in the next few weeks - pending building inspection tomorrow...

Saturday, April 26, 2014

This weeks work...

Wrapped up electrical, nearly finished with plumbing, and making sure all the venting and ducting is complete so that I can get my electrical inspection and building inspections this next week so that I can keep on schedule for insulation and then sheetrock.

Not terribly exciting for most, but here's some pics...

Whisperwarm fan for bath/laundry...

Finished electrical panel...

Kitchen hood ducting...

Propane fireplace venting - needs more work on full firestop width because of my thick walls...

Exterior of fireplace vent...

Got out for a ride...

Really enjoyed it - lots of climbing, good weather and great views!

Was a very busy week - will post photos of the progress later today or tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Shower and tub plumbing...

Is nearly complete.  As well as a new hole in my perfectly good roof for vents.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Another vent...

And started the cement board for the tile that will surround both the shower and the tub...

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Evening pic...

From the deck, west to the Methow River and the Cascades...

Vents and inlets...

Put in the propane inlet and the propane water heater vent(not pictured) today, and fixed a warped shower wall so that the tile will now have a nice flat overall surface to lay against.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

A bike ride...

And more wiring...

95% of the wire has been run - just heaters and fans left.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Interior doors...

They just arrived...

I really like them - fir doors with frosted glass...

My hands and fingers are hurting...

Didn't realize how much I would be using the little muscles in my hands and fingers for all the electrical work.

Here are a few of the smaller cans in the dropped ceiling hallway...

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Propane lines installed today...

I set the fireplace in the wall box only to discover that the blower wasn't in the delivery...


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Lots of wire...

Worked on the Main Floor wiring today - lots of progress and a couple of screw-ups ; )

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Today's effort...

Pulled 70 feet of 200 amp wire through underground conduit to the new house panel, and reconnected my garage so that I now have power again!!!

Will continue the electrical and hopefully finish the rough by the end of next week...

P.S.  And yes, I know, that outlet is not GFCI - just needed a temporary interior outlet to run tools - nah, nah, nah...

Monday, April 14, 2014

My dinner mates...

The gang is getting used to me...

Six or seven have been lounging around the house and RV.

Worked on vents...

A little trick putting flat vents on corrugated metal , but I am happy with my solution, although a bit lengthy...

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Whisperwall...

I put in the venting and base for the master bath exhaust fan - the Panasonic Whisperwall.

The 12" wall is too thick for the standard vent extension, so I built my own...

Friday, April 11, 2014

Mr. Grumpy...

Says Goodnight...

One step back...

Been moving along quite well until I hit a little snafu this afternoon - the shower pan that was delivered was incorrect and the correct one will require a different drain location - just above a floor joist - crap.

So I built the wall out to push it away from the joist.  That is going to be one sturdy support for the future Durock and tile ; )

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sometimes the smartest solution...

... Isn't the safest...

But it worked.  I was able to install the final light can in the ceiling...

Will try to post more often, have been super busy with small, unromantic jobs like blocking for the future drywall, setting switch and outlet boxes, etc...

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Finished the stairway half-wall surround...

Lots of gluing, screwing, and nailing for good measure ; )

I was able to run a 2x6 down from the free end of the half wall, through the floor sheathing and sister it with some lag screws into the glulam directly below the surround.  Hopefully that will keep it strong...

Friday, April 4, 2014

Internet is up...

... And I've started back on the house.

Bolted the trellis supports into the structure of the house.  The trellis across the tops of the supports will be a Yellow Cedar like the upper deck rail - but, I won't put those up until later in the Summer.