Saturday, May 31, 2014

My 3 Rivers Cross Ride...

Across the Methow, Chewuch and Twisp Rivers - a fantastically fun 55 mile ride...

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Spent the afternoon up a ladder...

On both the house and garage, applying stain/preservative to the exposed glulam ends...

Drywall update...

Dan and Casey are moving along with beautiful work.  Something I definitely budgeted to leave to the professionals.  We will be getting a level 5 smoothwall finish...

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Alaskan Yellow Cedar trellis...

Set them up on the brackets to check position and watch the shadow pattern during the day...

I will secure them with lag screws when I decide final position.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Curiosity of the day...

Finally got around to Googling The Brown Palace Hotel as it was on the towel I used to wipe off excess stain...

We have had this towel for decades, but not paid much mind to it, but I had always been curious...

Finally looked it up today - pretty cool.  A grand Hotel built in the late 1800's in Denver, and somewhat famous for being haunted.  I looked up images for the hotel and it is beautiful...

Glad I checked it out...

Still don't know how we ended up with this towel ; )

Saturday, May 24, 2014


I sanded the Yellow Cedar and put a transparent preservative on it...

A nice ride...

a bit over 6,000 feet of climbing...

And a sense of relief and happiness that I avoided the Phallic Forest of last weekend...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Spent the day firring out window boxes...

Because of some indiscrepancies in the windows themselves and the framed boxes, I needed to put in firring strips to attain a matched reveal on the window jambs when the drywall is installed...

Almost done with that - will have them drywalled by mid-day tomorrow.

A year ago today...

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Update on Chris Behrens Jr...

Two years planted and going strong - has 7" of growth to show this Spring.

A handsome young man...


Was finally able to visit with one of my two favorite dogs...

Saturday, May 17, 2014

A butt-reaming ride...

Did quite a bit of climbing today - was feeling good...

Until, I entered the shire of the "unmentionable wood"...

Thought I'd take a breather off the saddle and have a bit to eat...

Luckily I had slathered myself silly with chamois creme pre-ride, or I might still be a captive of the "unmentionable wood" - they were popping up everywhere...

I'm lucky to have avoided a rest on this one...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Liking the clean look...

Had to put cement board over the metal of the fireplace as sheetrock is considered slightly combustible.

The mudders told me that the seam between the two materials shouldn't be an issue...

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Finished entry soffit and experimented with...

Galvanized metal L-trim...

It's loosely fitted, but I think I like it - but will be swayed to go to the cedar trim style that is around the door below - let me know...

Towel warmer rack arrived a month late...

But just in time for me to get the rough wiring and box installed before sheetrock...

Sheetrock for upstairs...

Rich and Larry did a superb job of delivering the 144" x 54" sheets of drywall via the deck into the upstairs...

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014


Passed the inspection this afternoon and now prepping for Monday's drywall...

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Insulation near complete...

This is one of the few jobs I subbed out as I don't have the capability or equipment for spray foam or loose-fill...

It's been a trying week, but I must say it is coming together...

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Upstairs foam completed...

7" in the ceiling and 3" in the walls.  Tomorrow they will spray the main floor walls then net everything and complete the job with loose-fill on Thursday and Friday...

looks like an interior snow storm ; )

22 years of apparent drunken bliss...

Happy Anniversary, Love!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

I woke up with this Hussy...

on Opening Day 25 years ago...

I wonder what she's up to now...

Love you, Honey-Bunny!!!

Friday, May 2, 2014


A couple days earlier than last year...

Not quite yet ready...

But I had to get the main floor drywall in before the insulation as the 12' sheets of drywall will no longer have a way to get in once the insulation is in place...

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Today's oops...

I cut the stair tread width down to exacts and assured myself I was prepared to glue and screw them...

Until I cut and placed the risers - most all of them.

My nosing was too short...  Damn!!!

Pulled the treads as fast as I could before the Liquid Nails set and pulled them out 1/2", then replaced the risers - done.  Several hours later than planned and no salmon in the fridge as I incorrectly remembered ; )  Off to town for take-out Mexican.