Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Pre-painted, installed, nail holes filled, sanded, edges caulked…  Upstairs and down.

Ready for touch up paint tomorrow!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Two new family members...

A Scotch and and Ponderosa Pine…

I'm taking a break today from interior trim.  Will resume tomorrow…

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I was able to get the remote for the fireplace to work - lights and fans…

Just lights...

Lights and flames…

Just flames…

More flames and taller flames if I turn the thermostat up.

I'll put the trim pieces on soon.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

First shower...

In new house.

I'm saving the Master Bath for Denise, but I was very happy with my first shower in the utility bath - decent pressure, nice head height.

Beats the RV for showers ; )


Sucked it up and opened the propane line valves and started the water heater and fireplace.  It took a little time, but both work now and the house didn't explode, or burn…

I took off the glass cover, let the bees out, took off the bottom plate and inserted six halogen bulbs into their slots, replaced the plate and covered it with glass pieces and rocks, then put the glass cover back on.

I still need to put the trim piece around, but first I have to mate the remote for the interior lights and blowers - I'll do that tomorrow most likely…

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Finished my ride and came home to a Stag Party...

Very handsome!!!


Carpet was installed yesterday - a 13 hour install.

Love the carpet and fairly happy with the install except for the light across a seam shows itself - at night under the electric lights it looks perfect, Mother NAture reveals all our imperfections ; )

Friday, September 19, 2014


Painting MDF trim the same color as the walls to make subtly blend in.

I have the 25 16' pieces laid out in the increasingly shrinking garage while the upstairs of the house is being carpeted - pics of that later…

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Had a dozen large boulders moved about and the yard leveled out a bit from the northwest corner of the house, raising it about 3 feet.

With some landscaping, I hope we can get a more tucked in feeling for the living room…