Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Balsam Root blooming...

A view from the Exercise Room in the Garage...

More concrete...

Poured some pavers to make our way to the house through the new topsoil and hopeful eventual native grass area...

Light fixture...

Found this storm-felled Birch branch from the fire 2 years ago and stripped it - varnished, hung and lights strung...

Monday, April 18, 2016

Sideboard complete...

One of us thinks that this might be too colorful - the other doesn't ; )

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

14 tons or $14 dollars worth...

But I have already moved 8+ tons of it or 8 + dollars worth - with a shovel and a bucket...

Well see if I can move in the morning.

Stupid old man...

Sideboard beginning...

Too tired to explain because 14 tons of topsoil interrupted this...

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Saturday, April 9, 2016

We're here and safe...

Been busy working on the house again, but got a chance to go out for a ride this morning...

Was feeling terrible climbing the first long climb - until I realized I had been in the big chain ring ; )

  Yes, I am tired...

  Back to building closet doors.