Saturday, June 3, 2017

A final pic of the Balky Hill House...

Sold this beauty last Summer, 2016.  Moving back from our adventure in Mexico.  Wondering if I have the fortitude to build another ; )

My Baby...

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

An animal kind of hour...

Strapping some wood to the top of the Subaru to take in to town when I notice a Buck come up behind me and lay down in the dirt less than 10 feet away...

I guess it's his property...

Walking back to the house, I crossed paths with this sassy fellow - lots of Bull Snakes lately - love em!

And then in town I was greeted by this gorgeous gal...

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Exterior at this point...

Waiting for the Native Grasses to fill in the right side section of the foreground - small little hairy sections like my head thus far...