Friday, April 26, 2013

A curse?

I found this envelope/letter in one of the interior walls as I was "dismantling"...

Don't you need an official signature to make a curse valid?

And proper spelling...

If not, he needs to get in line - many curses upon me before he gets his shot...


  1. A nose cock, and double cunts? Interesting person. Sexual curses and over-use of OSB as a finish material, sounds like someone I'd like to drink with.

  2. From what I hear from the Old Timers, his preferred drink was warm Budweiser...

    His granite memorial marker is still on the property - the wife didn't take it with her, deciding whether or not to toss it in the 20 yard dumpster after this letter ; )

  3. I like that idea ; )

    Maybe Nick could help me...
