Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Bump-Out siding...

Cold -rolled steel with angle iron trim...

Waiting for the flat stock steel to trim the window and the top edges.

This steel will rust over the next few months to give it a nice rusty red-orange appearance.

Good Mornin'...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Entering the Final Stretch...

Of the 2013 house building phase...

A bit of cedar siding left, then the top, edge, and window trim...

And then the siding for the bump-out/rooftop deck...  Stick around to see what I do there ; )

Aah, the Power of the Subconscious...

After such a long absence from my Love, my body decided it had to have some physical contact...

Kind of like a dog - any kind of attention will do.

Was a great ride though ; )

Friday, July 26, 2013

The majority of the Cedar siding is complete...

So Jake and I started on the top and edge trim...

Will finish that up Monday and begin window trim.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


This on one side of me...

And this on the other...

Quite happy with the wind coming from the North.

Thanks, Firefighters!


Put the last window in, and the first of two exterior doors, and now just a small amount of siding left to do before the trim goes on next week...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Monday, July 22, 2013

Busy day...

Started putting up the cedar siding, as Isaac and Ben showed up for "rock composition" and backfill, and a new "frost-free"...

It was hot - I got sweaty, tired, and crabby ; )

Good thing that Jake is so patient...

Sunday, July 21, 2013

More staining...

But, I won't bore you with more pics of stained boards ; )

130 of them, so far.

So, I will give you an updated "whole house" pic...

Friday, July 19, 2013

No, Thank You...

A great Friday...

Started staining the Cedar - front and back...

Got the Upper 6x6 window in place - Thanks to Baynard and Isaac, and the 8 foot bucket on the Backhoe...

And the backfill is coming...


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Love the smell of Cedar!

The cedar for the siding arrived this morning, and I got busy moving it all into the house to stain over the weekend and beginning of next week...

Over 200 pieces - from 10' to 20'...


The future living room smells great right now...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

North wall siding...

The North side galvanized corrugated siding went up today - spent most of the 95 degree day working in the shade - Yeah!!!